enterprise4good:LONDON - helping businesses start-up, survive & grow!
Business start-up is job creation. It adds value to the people it engages; it adds value to its customers and suppliers and more importantly it brings growth into areas that need an economic boost.
At Mark Kass Consulting, the London and Thames Gateway-focussed business coaching, counselling and mentoring division of the Enterprise4Good Group, we pride ourselves in the design, delivery and on-going management of bespoke, localised business start-up and business survival and growth solutions for local would-be, fedgling and existing entrepreneurs.
Our pre-start and start-up programmes add value to local authority regeneration programmes and to property developers looking for innovative community investment commitments. Post start-up support is crucial to delivering the REAL economic benefits. We organise events, workshops, seminars and master-classes that work; they're demand led so we don't produce off-the-shelf programmes.
We leverage our networks based on extensive experience in all aspects of business support straddling our work with local authorities, local enterprise partnerships, regional and national governments and an unprecedented link to thousands of micro, small, medium, large and global Blue Chip private and public businesses to ensure we offer the best information, advice, guidance and signposting to all the new and fledgling entrepreneurs we work with.
Access to cost effective flexible workspace is crucial to start-ups, growig small businesses and those looking to downsize for survival. We have extensive experience in the design and operation of co-working spaces, makerspaces, serviced offices, incubators & accelerators and we that fully integrates all other socio-economic outcomes.
When we work with our clients, our business plan always starts with a blank sheet of paper.....no diagnostics, not templates and nothing is "standard".....we start off talking & listening and then design something to suit everyone....our clients, our customers and the wider economy!
At Mark Kass Consulting, the London and Thames Gateway-focussed business coaching, counselling and mentoring division of the Enterprise4Good Group, we pride ourselves in the design, delivery and on-going management of bespoke, localised business start-up and business survival and growth solutions for local would-be, fedgling and existing entrepreneurs.
Our pre-start and start-up programmes add value to local authority regeneration programmes and to property developers looking for innovative community investment commitments. Post start-up support is crucial to delivering the REAL economic benefits. We organise events, workshops, seminars and master-classes that work; they're demand led so we don't produce off-the-shelf programmes.
We leverage our networks based on extensive experience in all aspects of business support straddling our work with local authorities, local enterprise partnerships, regional and national governments and an unprecedented link to thousands of micro, small, medium, large and global Blue Chip private and public businesses to ensure we offer the best information, advice, guidance and signposting to all the new and fledgling entrepreneurs we work with.
Access to cost effective flexible workspace is crucial to start-ups, growig small businesses and those looking to downsize for survival. We have extensive experience in the design and operation of co-working spaces, makerspaces, serviced offices, incubators & accelerators and we that fully integrates all other socio-economic outcomes.
When we work with our clients, our business plan always starts with a blank sheet of paper.....no diagnostics, not templates and nothing is "standard".....we start off talking & listening and then design something to suit everyone....our clients, our customers and the wider economy!